Summing up fastai’s Deep Learning for Coders Part 1




July 8, 2023

In the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence, deep learning has emerged as a powerful tool for solving complex problems. However, getting started with deep learning can be a daunting task, especially for coders without prior experience in this field.’s Practical Deep Learning for Coders course, offers an accessible and hands-on approach to learning deep learning concepts. In this blog post, we’ll explore the first part of the course, highlighting its key elements and sharing the invaluable insights gained from this immersive learning experience.

A Practical Approach to Learning Deep Learning:’s approach to teaching deep learning is unique. Instead of diving straight into the theory and mathematics behind neural networks, the course focuses on hands-on coding exercises and real-world applications. This approach enables coders to build and deploy their own deep learning models from day one, fostering a deeper understanding of the underlying concepts.

Fastai Library: Simplifying Deep Learning:

At the core of the course is the fastai library, a high-level deep learning framework built on top of PyTorch. This library abstracts away much of the complexity associated with training neural networks, making it easier for coders to experiment with different architectures and techniques. With its comprehensive set of pre-built functions, the fastai library allows learners to rapidly prototype and iterate their models.

Image Classification and Data Augmentation:

The first part of the course delves into image classification, a fundamental problem in computer vision. Through a series of engaging lessons and coding exercises, learners are introduced to concepts such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transfer learning. Moreover, the course emphasizes the importance of data augmentation techniques, enabling learners to improve model performance by generating synthetic training data. Jeremy also gives a plethora of advises regarding both the training and data augmentation phases.

Collaborative Filtering and Natural Language Processing:

Beyond computer vision, the course also covers collaborative filtering and natural language processing (NLP). With collaborative filtering, learners gain insights into recommender systems, enabling them to build personalized recommendation engines. In the NLP section, participants learn how to process and analyze text data using techniques like tokenization, language modeling, and sentiment analysis. These topics broaden the scope of the course, demonstrating the versatility of deep learning in various domains.

Live Coding Session:

Do not forget the “hidden” and most important part in my opinion of this amazing course: The live coding sessions. Jeremy walks you through how he went through a kaggle competition to get to the first place while explaining how to setup a proper working environment for kaggle competition and deep learning in general. YOU SHOULD NOT MISS THIS!!!

Conclusion:’s Practical Deep Learning for Coders - Part 1 offers a remarkable entry point into the world of deep learning for coders. Through its hands-on approach, practical examples, and emphasis on real-world applications, the course equips learners with the necessary skills to build and deploy deep learning models. By leveraging the power of the fastai library and gaining a deep understanding of fundamental concepts, participants develop the confidence to explore and experiment with various domains within deep learning. If you’re a coder interested in venturing into the exciting realm of deep learning,’s course is undoubtedly an excellent starting point on your journey.